Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why Paganism,

So why Paganism? is an easy one to answer. Pagan is an umbrella term. Most people think Wicca and Paganism are one, but Wicca is a religion with it's own rules and dogma that I don't adhere to. Under the umbrella you have, of course your Wiccans, but also your Druids, and Reconstructionists, Feri, Discordians, Stregas, Gwyddons, Thelema, Ceremonialists, The Church of All Worlds, Green Witches, KitchenWitches, HedgeWitches, Christian Witches, and depending who you talk to ... Voudan, Santeria, and Satanists.(Some of followers of these last 3 classify themselves as Pagan while others would be insulted at the idea.) Reconstructionists use texts and informations passed down to try to worship exactly as their ancestors did. Under this umbrella you have Asatru (norse), Hellenismos (greek), Kemeticism (Egyptian), Religio Romano (Roman), and Senistrognata (Celtic). Also note these paths are not always mutually eclusive. A Pagan may follow one or more of these paths...or none. (and I'm sure I probably missed some categories too)

I am a solitairy, eclectic Pagan...which as I put it means I think everyone is full of shit. LOL I think all paths have things that are good to them, but i just don't feel like I fit into any catagory. If anything I would say I am a Dark Pagan, which is more of an introspective path, but I will talk more about that in another post. (DARK DOES NOT MEAN EVIL)


Noppera-Bo said...

Thanks for bringing attention to the rich diversity within paganism!